The Old Man and the Boy, Robert Ruark

Robert Ruark is one of my favorite authors and if I had to pick a favorite novel I believe that I would have to say The Old Man and the Boy would have to be it.  This is a classic novel, originally published in 1957.  The book tells the story about the friendship between and young boy and his grandfather as he teaches him life lessons as they hunt the woods of North Carolina and fish the lakes, ponds and the ocean.  This novel is especially special to me because, growing up in rural South Carolina, it reminds me of my childhood.  I believe I am among the last generation to get a glimpse into life that is described in this novel, I grew up in a time where the last remnants of life described in this book were left.  I also had a special relationship with my grandfathers and I hung onto every word as they told me tales and stories about growing up in the rural South, hunting fishing and farming.  Also, one being a veteran of the WWI and the other of WWII, I relished the stories of the great wars.  These were stories told by real men, my grandfathers, stories recalled and shared under big oak trees with a piece of wood and a case pocket knife in hand, carving off nice curled shavings.  The old man teaches his grandson how to be a gentleman, a woodsman, and live a respectful life though lessons learned in the field.  This was a time when you could unapologetically be a man.  It is a heartwarming and eloquent tale about choices, responsibility, and about becoming a man.  I hope you will pick it up and enjoy!     

Brian Smith